The savantless idiot tweets!
Yes, you see it within the blah, blah, blah the ex-president who says that he possesses only the best words- the stable genius thinks he was indicated last night. If only it were so.
No, last night you were indicted, Donald and that is the good news. Last night’s lashing out in your torrent of denials and accusations INDICATE you have lost it. At a moment like this, words like “ignorant” and “stupid” seem beyond the point. More than a fact-checker, you likely will require a keeper. Somewhere in the conspiratorial world of Q, there will be Don fans who surreptitiously assert that this is all part of the plan. Next, we will be seeing Page Six photos and long-distance videos of you walking the beach behind your castle in a tattered, ultra-soft, Turkish cotton, Trump-labeled robe. When Vincent-the Chin- Gigante first employed the ruse it was called the Bathrobe Defense, his unsuccessful attempt to feign senility in order to escape the law:
“Vincent (Chin) Gigante, boss of the Genovese crime family, faced the bar of justice yesterday in the same blue bathrobe, striped pajamas golf cap and “crummy” brown shoes he wears around Greenwich Village.
Gigante, 62, was called mentally incompetent by his brother, Bronx priest Louis Gigante, in a court action last year, and psychiatric tests were ordered by Manhattan Supreme Court.”
- NEW YORK DAILY NEWS May 30, 2015
It didn’t work for the too-clever-by-half don, but you might just be able to pull it off. You do wear “crazy” well, and your past behavior INDICATES that the journey from sanity to now was a short one.
As we soldier through your ultimate indictment, mug shot, and trial, I for one hope that your earnest thumbs-of-fury screw-ups on Truth Social aren’t sanitized, or worse, gag-ordered out of existence.
That in itself would be a crime worth INDICATING.
BTW, So Glad…
Originally published at on March 31, 2023.