The lethal imposition of political will by men behind the lone nuts…
Paul Pelosi was attacked last night by a “lone nut”- a QAnon follower with a hammer and a deadly plan. We should all have known this was coming. The attack follows a drumbeat of hate and violence that has engulfed the nation’s politics. It spews, seemingly in torrents, from the mouths and airwaves of the right wing. It is a tune we have heard before rising up from the depths of history- both our own and that of other nations. The “hate” rhetoric is like a siren’s song played to benefit the “Lone Nuts” out there to come out of hiding and create havoc. John Kennedy, his brother Robert, and Martin Luther King were victims of lonely, seemingly deranged gunmen with spurious backgrounds with the thinnest of motives and an abundance of resources and access.
But history is littered with similar attacks. Gandhi, Lincoln, and (Et tu?) Caesar faced similar fates all under the spell of politics gone amok. Pelosi, unlike the others, was not the target, his wife, Speaker of the House Nancy, was. A QAnon devotee entered the Pelosi home sometime after 2 a.m. asking “Where’s Nancy?” The refrain was not random, it is one that echoed throughout the day on January 6 as hate-filled rioters were calling for Democratic leaders and their own Vice President to be dragged out of the Capitol. The relative anonymity of assassins before they struck is the point of the RW ruse. While oddball misfits like Lee Harvey Oswald (if you believe it), James Earl Ray, or Sirhan Sirhan may have been the killers, ideology pulled the trigger.
Lone nuts are the tool of those who are dedicated to the politics of fascism. The aura of fear and uncertainty they create engulfs our attention, obfuscates their involvement providing cover for their complicity. Republicans this weekend will hold rallies at which they will sanctimoniously claim their patriotism while promoting the lie that crime is the consequence of Democratic leadership, that Trump won, or some other easily refutable nonsense. They have created the monster they profess to be victims of and then watch as their creation infuses doubt and fear. They infuse with contemptuous polemics voters whose interests and rights are immaterial to them. The goal is power, always power. This is the fascist playbook, written long ago- perhaps on cave walls- that proposes that power at any cost is a pernicious, but worthy goal.
We can all send our “thoughts and prayers” to Paul and feel relief that Nancy was not at home. While the Pelosis averted a catastrophe, the nation is poised for a greater one. Fascism relies on cowardice to destroy our heroes. The inane attack of an 82-year-old in the middle of the night by a “lone nut” is not the headline. The stoking of hate and violence that the right wing has unleashed is not random at all but targeted. The antidote that they propose is an imposition of their own political will at the expense of the will of those they would govern.
Follow the Bullet…
In a world turned upside down, they are poised in a few days to take over the House and Senate to add to the judiciary their dark money had purchased on the cheap. All that is left is the removal of any impediment in their way. Beware. History is replete with the consequences of their movement. There is no lack of “lone nuts” who have been programmed to act on their behalf.
In a novelized version of the life of Lee Harvey Oswald, the American novelist Dom Delillo has written the words that many of us have thought about the conspiracies that have confounded our politics. In Libra his 1988 semi-fictional stab at the Kennedy assassination conundrum, his words may well portend the emergence of a new mystery that isn’t a mystery at all:
“We will follow the bullet trajectories backwards to the lives that occupy the shadows, actual men who moan in their dreams.”
― Don DeLillo, Libra
The refrain “Where’s Nancy” reverberates like a hammer blow to remind us of the deadly consequences that have been set in motion by men hiding in plain sight. Cowards all, who inspire others to do their bidding- to make the dreams they moan come true.
Vote and bring a friend. Wake them with your own obstinance. Vote.
Originally published at on October 29, 2022.