“New York, I Love You, but You’re Bringing Me Down.” Trump sings the blues…

Vince Rizzo
3 min readApr 3, 2023



If Trump were a rock star instead of a crime boss I wonder what song he would choose as his greatest hit? The Sinatra version of the Kander and Ebb standard, “ New York, New York “ is the first to come to mind. How can you resist those airs of hopeful confidence the lyric elicits, “If I could make it there…” Trump’s New York homecoming this week has a different air, less hopeful and maybe a bit more… tense. Those “little town blues” may have boarded the Trump express Palm Beach and followed him from Mar-a-Lago to Trump Towers. Even the promise of MTG leading a “peaceful protest” to scare Gotham’s finest and put a scare into that meanie judge can’t be expected to provide much of a lift in those vagabond shoes. You betcha they are longing to stray somewhere, anywhere, but into the Manhattan courthouse where DA Alvin Bragg will file a slew of charges that may lead to his incarceration.

Judge Merchan won’t really care that Trump once “owned” the town- that he was “…A number one, top of the list, head of the heap or king of the hill. “To the Judge, he is simply another defendant with a reservation for one in his courtroom.


Just before he left Florida the twice impeached and now indicted ex-president learned that the witch-hunters had found more evidence in the DOJ’s stolen documents case. Trump’s problem is growing into a much more complex problem, from a witch-hunt to a race to see “which” hunt is the more imminent. The Washington Post posted a potential bombshell report that indicates that Jack Smith, who hunts witches for a living, has uncovered evidence of obstruction that could make Stormy Daniels seem like a mild tropical depression:

The additional evidence comes as investigators have used emails and text messages from a former Trump aide to help understand key moments last year, said the people, who like others interviewed for this article spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing criminal investigation.

The new details highlight the degree to which special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the potential mishandling of hundreds of classified national security papers at Trump’s Florida home and private club has come to focus on the obstruction elements of the case — whether the former president took or directed actions to impede government efforts to collect all the sensitive records.

WAPO, “Justice Dept. said to have more evidence of possible Trump obstruction at Mar-a-Lago”, by Devlin Barrett, Josh Dawsey and Perry Stein, April 2, 2022


From the looks of it, there is someone else singing in Trump’s inner circle. Someone close enough to his obstructive behavior to place Trump in even more jeopardy than he faces in New York. There is even a hint that one of the new pieces of evidence places him at the center of an Espionage Act violation that carries a significant penalty.

The Trump cult will likely react with its own brand of lawlessness. They will whine and threaten, break things, and send their dollars to help refill Trump’s pockets that are being picked clean as I write by a slew of cutpurses with a JD degree.

Perhaps a more appropriate theme song for these times may be Leonard Cohen’s New York, I Love You but You’re Bringing Me Down. The lyrics highlight the attraction-avoidance sentiment Trump must be feeling deep down in his boxers. He has fallen from the “top of the heap “ to heaping pile of guano:

New York, I love you
But you’re bringing me down

Like a rat in a cage
Pulling minimum wage

New York, I love you
But you’re bringing me down…

There’s a ton of the twist
But we’re fresh out of shout…

New York, I love you
But you’re freaking me out

New York, I love you
But you’re bringing me down

— Lyric by James Murphy

I know where I sit on the happy…..sad continuum. I will play me some Pharrell (click here if you agree).

Some Witch hunts, like elections, have consequences.

Originally published at https://vincerizzo.substack.com on April 3, 2023.



Vince Rizzo
Vince Rizzo

Written by Vince Rizzo

Former president of the International Association of Laboratory Schools (IALS) and a founder of a charter school based on MI theory.

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