GOP pornbusters target David, but today the AR-15 lapel pins are the true indecency…
The past week, before 3 young children were gunned down in Nashville, Republican cowards were bloviating about Michelangelo’s David and whether photos of the Rennaissance sculpture would endanger their children if they shockingly peered at a granite scrotum. Today, 3 children and 3 adults were murdered while staring at a steel and carbon phallic facsimile worshipped by the right because the NRA bought their souls. The congresspersons who shamelessly wear the lapel pins that glorify weapons that claimed the lives of so many of our children should feel the same terror the Nashville 6 felt the moment before their lives were savagely taken by an AR-15. They should compare the relative threat that the 16th-century “horror “ elicits to that of the favored weapon of mass shooters- locked and loaded.
Would there would be a way that they could vicariously feel the deep sense of loss and grief that the parents of Uvalde, Sandy Hook, Nashville, and the other 374 school shootings since Columbine feel every day. An emptiness and loss they will carry with them till their own dying day. There is a pornography of thoughtless disregard, a prurience of greed exhibited by GOP legislators at all levels of government as they relish in dollars and nonsense the NRA and its gun lobby dump at their hopelessly shameless feet.
It should be remembered that David honors the biblical David who slew the Philistine giant. At the time of his duel, he used a child’s weapon for, according to biblical scholars, David was no more than 13 to 15 years old. Like the children the Republican reprobates adorned with assault-rifle tie tacks and dirty little minds pretend to protect, they hide, terrified, each time another school shooting threatens their comfort. Their words echo years of not giving a damn as they offer worthless thoughts and meaningless prayers. They are the well-protected and cowardly beneficiaries of a debt paid to greed by school children. Like the forces of King Saul who cowered at the sight of their foe, the Republicans hide while our children fight the battle. The story of the biblical David should give the GOP pause:
When the Israelites saw the man, they all retreated before him, terrified…Saul said to David, “Go and may the Lord be with you.” 38 Saul put his own clothes on David. He put a bronze helmet on David’s head and armor on his body. 39 David put on the sword and tried to walk around. He tried to wear Saul’s uniform, but David was not used to all those heavy things.David said to Saul, “I can’t fight in these things. I’m not used to them.” So David took them all off. 40 He took his walking stick in his hand and went to find five smooth stones from the stream. He put the five stones in his shepherd’s bag and held his sling in his hand. Then he went out to meet the Philistine.
Like the biblical weaklings terrified by the thoughts of their own mortality, the GOP has decided to save our children from penises- because they are afraid of guns and the cost of losing the laundered support of their gun-lobby benefactors. Next election day it is our choice as to who is terrified — our children, or the fig-leaf-at-the-ready prudes who hide while monsters threaten third-graders with guns.
Originally published at on March 27, 2023.